神器科技是一家以智能硬件为依托,提供大数据支持的移动互联网公司,2014年初创立于北京。公司现阶段致力于为社区、企业、高校提供智慧门禁解决方案和整体服务。公司拥有技术过硬的软硬件研发团队,自主品牌“居泰客”智慧门禁系统已获得4项国家级技术专利,在国内同行业处于领先地位。 Beijing Artifacts Technology Co., Ltd. is a mobile internet company that relies on smart hardware to supply big data service, and was founded in Beijing in early 2014. The company is currently focusing on providing solutions and services of smart access control system for government, enterprise, community and educational institution. The company has an independent research and development team. Self developed product “LiveTech” smart access control system, which has been granted four national patents, is in a leading position in the domestic industry. 2.产品介绍:“居泰客”智慧门禁系统,以智能手机、平板电脑替代传统门禁室内终端机和控制器,在保留传统门禁系统所有功能的基础上,增加了无钥匙智能进入、远程遥控解锁、访客远程呼叫、免打扰时段、物业缴费与管理、考勤与出入人员记录、消防报警等诸多智慧功能的同时,实现了造价和施工周期的大幅度下降,是一款符合物联网思维布局的智慧门禁系统,是未来智慧城市不可或缺的重要组成部分。 “LiveTech” is a smart access control system. Instead of using traditional client terminal to communicate with visitors, the new system uses smart phone and tablet to do so. While retaining all the features of traditional access control system, the new smart system also adds a series of new features such as keyless smart entry, remote unlock, remote audio and video calls, time privacy control, property fee collection and management, attendance check, access information recording and analysis, automatic fire alarm service, and so on. In the meantime it reduces both the costs and construction period significantly. It is not only a smart access control system that meets the requirements of Internet of Things, but also a important part of smart city in the future.