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Electronic Arts (EA)

已上市 · 1万人以上 · 游戏
1.3w 关注14 职位432 员工在脉脉
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA) 成立于1982年,是数字互动娱乐领域的全球领导厂商,公司业务包含游戏的开发与发行,并为联网的家用主机、行动装置和个人计算机提供内容与在线服务。总部设于加州红木城,有着不少家喻户晓且高质量的作品,如:《战地风云》、《Apex Legends》、《The Sims™》、《Madden NFL》、EA SPORTS™ FC、《极品飞车》、《Titanfall™》、《植物大战僵尸》以及《F1®》等。 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。 (此页面展示的游戏产品并非所有都在中国发行)
Electronic Arts (EA)
#招人 我司上海工作室 1. 游戏灯光师 (第三方) 2. 游戏特效师(第三方) (注:需5年以上相关经验,学习能力和适应能力强) #AAA项目 #主机游戏 #外企 #WLB 有兴趣的小伙伴们欢迎私戳自荐&推荐!
Electronic Arts (EA)
又是一个小长假!休假至2.5号返工,预祝大家新春快乐! 如果你也想每年享受许多小长假假期,快来加入我们吧!欢迎点击EA官网查看岗位并投递👉 网页链接. #EA #春节 #放假 #上海 #神仙外企
#年终致意:感谢每一位玩家,EA有你才完美! 各位亲爱的玩家, 岁末将至,敬颂冬绥。回望过去的一年,跋山涉水,追星逐月,有欢笑也有疲惫,但至少还有游戏陪伴在身边。点开熟悉的图标,戴上耳机,沉入激情的赛场、奇幻的舞台或炫酷的多元宇宙中,暂时将生活里那些磨人的烦恼通通抛到身后。 对于EA来说,今年依然是硕果累累、成就满满的一年,其中最瞩目的成就源自每一位在EA游戏中留下过痕迹的你——因为有你,去年全球EA游戏总时长累计超过了110亿个小时,EA十大系列相关视频的上传数量突破了300万个,而社交媒体上EA游戏视频的观看时间接近20亿个小时。感谢你与我们一起创造了所有这些了不起的成就! 对了,还有一部分非常特别的“玩家”——那些希望加入EA大家庭及关注EA雇主动态的职场玩家,我们同样将你铭记于心!清楚地记得你为心仪职位投出的简历,记得你在校园宣讲会和开放日上提出的精彩问题,也记得你转发和点赞我们发布的推文和视频。 再次向你,游戏世界的英雄,以及游戏行业的探索者们,致以敬意和谢意。龙辞旧岁,蛇启新程,我们会继续利用先进的技术为大家提供无与伦比的娱乐互动体验,继续建立并发展属于全球数亿玩家和粉丝的活力社区。另一方面,我们将继续为候选人带来愉悦便捷的求职体验,全方位展现EA的工作环境、团队氛围、企业文化与成长通道。 请期待——更宏大的史诗冒险,更硬核的体坛竞技,更深层的社交链接,将在新的一年到来。我们职场上见,游戏里见!
后端软件开发工程师 - Digital Platform20k-30k · 13薪
ID:206608 Title: Software Engineer - Digital Platform Report to: Sr. Engineering Manager (请到EA官网投递简历: https://taou.cn/2HKX5) Department Overview: The EA Digital Platform (EADP) group provides central services that help game teams to tap into the power of the global EA ecosystem. Compatible across multiple platforms and devices, our platform empowers teams to foster deeper, more meaningful relationships with our players. The EADP is the foundation on which EA's games are built. By providing reusable capabilities that game teams can easily integrate into their games, we allow them to focus on making incredible games. These building blocks are made up of high-level service platforms including Cloud, Commerce, Data and AI, Gameplay Services, Identity and Social. Main Responsibilities: You work with program manager to understand business requirement and translate that into technical design which is reviewed by partners You lead technical design and implementation of a feature You design underlying database schema and interface You implement high-quality code with comprehensive unit testing You fix bugs raised from stabilization, integration and production You migrate legacy systems to the new platform You troubleshoot issues raised from production and resolve customer problems You evaluate and adopt technologies which improve the team efficiency and platform capability You code review peer developer's code and provide constructive feedbacks to ensure consistency and quality of code You mentor junior engineers, new hires and interns You participate in hiring process Qualifications: 1+ years experience in software development Solid computer science background including Algorithm, Data Structure, Operation System or other related fields Passionate about customer, partner and quality Experience in releasing commercial software product Experience with design/architecture of a large component Deep Experience with C#/Java/C++ development Experience in live site troubleshooting Experience in building and running large-scale distributed online services is a big plus Bachelor's degree or above in Computer science or related technical major is required
游戏服务器开发25k-35k · 14薪
国际化团队 人性化文化 顶级IP 工作生活平衡
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣,请在我们官方网站ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207916和207917进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7Gc2 https://taou.cn/z7Gcz 我们是一支全球化团队,由创作者、剧作家、技术专家、体验创作者和创新者等角色组成。我们相信,精彩的游戏与体验始于与玩家和社区同样多样化的团队。在 Electronic Arts,你的想象力是对你的唯一限制。 职位名称:软件工程师(服务器)Java FC Mobile 上海工作室致力于全球运营及开发高质量的顶级体育IP手机游戏,持续为广大玩家提供出色的游戏体验。我们对创新的追求,对自主的尊重,以及对团队合作的重视是我们团队文化的核心,这使我们能够在全球范围内创造高质量的游戏和体验。 我们的团队怀揣激情,勇于创新,乐于尝试新的可能性。我们从过去的经验中学习,快速适应并持续改进。我们重视团队协作,相信在轻松的工作环境能创造出更好的成果。因此,我们提倡并支持维护工作与生活之间的健康平衡。 作为软件工程师,您是游戏创作过程中的关键部分,参与游戏和在线服务的功能设计和实现,并向高级软件工程师汇报工作。 工作地点:您将在上海工作。 工作职责: • 维护现有服务器端代码, 以确保代码的质量 • 有效率地诊断并解决复杂技术问题,以减少游戏服务中断和停服可能 • 负责支持质量测试和部署工具以及流程开发 • 负责服务功能开发,包含计划,协调,文档记录,并确保如期交付 • 高效地与团队人员,运营团队和外部合作伙伴沟通和合作 • 通过有效的对话、团队合作以及为初级团队成员提供指导来展示影响力。 职位要求: • 至少3年游戏服务器相关开发经验 • 对常用服务器端开发技术深入的理解 • 熟悉Java编程语言和相关调试工具 • 有Linux平台开发和容器化化应用经验 (e.g., Docker) • 有版本管理和分支开发经验 • 熟悉网络编程和TCP、UDP、HTTP、Webstock等协议 • 熟悉数据库和数据缓存的开发 • 熟悉面向对象编程和设计模式 • 有大型网络游戏经验,有手机游戏开发经验 • 熟悉数据库技术/优化,例如 SQL 和 NoSQL 解决方案 • 与技术人员和非技术人员进行良好的交流 • 英语文件读写能力 关于 EA 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。
(资深)游戏客户端开发30k-45k · 14薪
国际化团队 顶级IP 人性化文化 福利好 不加班
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣的话,请在我们官网ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207915进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7GN2 我们是一支全球化团队,由创作者、剧作家、技术专家、体验创作者和创新者等角色组成。我们相信,精彩的游戏与体验始于与玩家和社区同样多样化的团队。在 Electronic Arts,你的想象力是对你的唯一限制。 FC Mobile 上海工作室致力于全球运营及开发高质量的顶级体育IP手机游戏,持续为广大玩家提供出色的游戏体验。我们对创新的追求,对自主的尊重,以及对团队合作的重视是我们团队文化的核心,这使我们能够在全球范围内创造高质量的游戏和体验。 我们的团队怀揣激情,勇于创新,乐于尝试新的可能性。我们从过去的经验中学习,快速适应并持续改进。我们重视团队协作,相信在轻松的工作环境能创造出更好的成果。因此,我们提倡并支持维护工作与生活之间的健康平衡。 汇报对象:技术总监 工作模式:混合工作制 岗位职责: • 负责移动端(iOS/Android)游戏客户端的开发与上线,确保产品在开发、测试与运营阶段的高质量交付。 • 独立定位与解决复杂技术问题,包括 Crash、性能卡顿、网络故障等,保持稳定的线上运营。 • 深入优化客户端的性能与架构,制定并执行严谨的目标指标与流程,不断提升产品质量。 • 主动识别技术风险并制定有效的降低风险策略,保障项目进度与质量。 • 具备产品意识,并积极探索和评估新技术、新工具,推动创新以提升开发效率和产品竞争力。 任职要求: • 计算机科学或相关专业本科及以上学历,或具备同等的培训和专业经验。 • 具备 8 年以上游戏项目开发经验,尤其在线上运营客户端方面有丰富实践,能独立应对复杂问题并推动版本顺利上线。 • 熟练掌握 C++ 及面向对象编程,具备移动、PC 或主机平台的游戏开发背景。 • 在资源管理、热更新、反作弊、网络优化、工具链等至少一项领域拥有深入实践经验,并能有效解决相关难题。 • 深刻理解内存管理、多线程和多处理器利用、运行时优化等关键技术,并具备快速分析,定位,调试及解决问题的能力。 • 具备分析问题和风险识别的判断力,能够提出并实施有效的解决方案。 • 具备出色的协调沟通与文档编写能力,自我驱动、主动学习,能在快速迭代的环境中保持高效率。 • 有实时 PVP 竞技游戏(如 Sports,MOBA、FPS 等)完整开发与上线经验者优先考虑。 关于 EA 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。
游戏客户端开发25k-40k · 14薪
知名IP 人性化福利 奖金 股票 超长假期 文化好
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣的话,请在我们官网ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207914进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7GNU 我们是一支全球化团队,由创作者、剧作家、技术专家、体验创作者和创新者等角色组成。我们相信,精彩的游戏与体验始于与玩家和社区同样多样化的团队。在 Electronic Arts,你的想象力是对你的唯一限制。 FC Mobile 上海工作室致力于全球运营及开发高质量的顶级体育IP手机游戏,持续为广大玩家提供出色的游戏体验。我们对创新的追求,对自主的尊重,以及对团队合作的重视是我们团队文化的核心,这使我们能够在全球范围内创造高质量的游戏和体验。 我们的团队怀揣激情,勇于创新,乐于尝试新的可能性。我们从过去的经验中学习,快速适应并持续改进。我们重视团队协作,相信在轻松的工作环境能创造出更好的成果。因此,我们提倡并支持维护工作与生活之间的健康平衡。 作为一名软件工程师,你是游戏创作过程中不可或缺的一部分,参与游戏和在线服务的功能设计和实现,并向高级软件工程师或技术总监汇报。 工作地点:你将在上海工作。 职位描述 • 优化局外游戏加载和初始化性能。 • 识别并修复问题并发布补丁。 • 协助编写技术文档。 • 完成功能开发。 • 及时向上级汇报项目进度和风险。 任职资格 • 拥有计算机相关领域的学士学位或更高学历。 • 具备基本的数据结构和算法知识。 • 拥有3年及以上游戏开发经验,熟悉C++。 • 了解常见的网络相关知识。 • 具有移动平台开发经验。 关于 EA 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。
游戏运营策划 - FC Mobile(足球游戏)20k-25k · 14薪
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣的话,请在我们官网ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207911进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7Xfb =================================================== Electronic Arts creates next-level entertainment experiences that inspire players and fans around the world. Here, everyone is part of the story. Part of a community that connects across the globe. A place where creativity thrives, new perspectives are invited, and ideas matter. A team where everyone makes play happen. About FC Mobile EA SPORTS™ FC Mobile is the world's most played football game on the mobile platform, serving millions of players from all around the world. We invite you to become part of the core live service member for the Shanghai team and join us on this exciting adventure to make EA SPORTS™ FC Mobile the biggest sports game in the world. As a team, we are passionate, innovative, and open to possibilities. We learn from past experiences and strive for progress. We value team synergy and believe a relaxed working environment can yield better results. That's why we promote and support maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Location & work model: Hybrid in Shanghai Report to: Game Designer Director As an important member of the FC Mobile live service team, you need to coordinate internal and external teams with us. Responsibilities • You will participate in the global operation of FC Mobile and work with the operations team to achieve product goals. • You will collect feedback from users and partners inside and outside EA, and arrange it into daily development tasks and manage the schedule based on the priority. • You will assist the live service team in dealing with emergency issues. • You will participate in the design and configuration of live events, and work with dev team to complete and accept development tasks. Requirements • 3 or more years' experience in operation or designing for a global live project. • Experience with mobile game design and live operation. • Data sensitive. Present and analyse data requirements based on operational work. • Proficiency in written and spoken English. • Good knowledge of football. • Work across time zones to a certain extent. About Electronic Arts We’re proud to have an extensive portfolio of games and experiences, locations around the world, and opportunities across EA. We value adaptability, resilience, creativity, and curiosity. From leadership that brings out your potential, to creating space for learning and experimenting, we empower you to do great work and pursue opportunities for growth. We take a holistic approach with our benefits program, focusing on physical, emotional, financial, career, and community wellness to support a balanced life with paid time off and new parent leave, plus free games and so much more. We nurture environments where our teams can always bring their best to what they do. Electronic Arts is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will also consider employment qualified applicants with criminal records in accordance with applicable law. EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law.
游戏运营策划 - FC Mobile(足球游戏)20k-25k · 14薪
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣的话,请在我们官网ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207913进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7XCZ Electronic Arts creates next-level entertainment experiences that inspire players and fans around the world. Here, everyone is part of the story. Part of a community that connects across the globe. A place where creativity thrives, new perspectives are invited, and ideas matter. A team where everyone makes play happen. About FC Mobile EA SPORTS FC Mobile Shanghai is a global team devoted to developing and operating a high-quality mobile football game experience. Our quest for creativity, respect for autonomy, and emphasis on collaboration are at the heart of our team culture, which empowers us to create high-quality games and experiences worldwide. As a team, we are passionate, innovative, and open to possibilities. We learn from past experiences and strive for progress. We value team synergy and believe a relaxed working environment can yield better results. That's why we promote and support maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Location & work model: Hybrid in Shanghai Report to: Game Designer Director As an important member of the FC Mobile live service team, you need to coordinate internal and external teams with us. Responsibilities • Participate in global live service of FC Mobile and work with operation team to achieve product goals. • Design live events for global users, analyze the event effect. • Assist the live service team in dealing with emergency issues. Requirements • 2 or more years' experience in operations or designing for a global live project. • Experience with mobile game design and live operation. • Data sensitive. Present and analyse data requirements based on operational work. • Proficiency in written and spoken English. • Good knowledge of football. • Work across time zones to a certain extent. About Electronic Arts We’re proud to have an extensive portfolio of games and experiences, locations around the world, and opportunities across EA. We value adaptability, resilience, creativity, and curiosity. From leadership that brings out your potential, to creating space for learning and experimenting, we empower you to do great work and pursue opportunities for growth. We take a holistic approach with our benefits program, focusing on physical, emotional, financial, career, and community wellness to support a balanced life with paid time off and new parent leave, plus free games and so much more. We nurture environments where our teams can always bring their best to what they do. Electronic Arts is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will also consider employment qualified applicants with criminal records in accordance with applicable law. EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law.
游戏数值策划 - FC Mobile(足球游戏)20k-25k · 14薪
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣,请在我们官方网站ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207912进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7G5O Electronic Arts creates next-level entertainment experiences that inspire players and fans around the world. Here, everyone is part of the story. Part of a community that connects across the globe. A place where creativity thrives, new perspectives are invited, and ideas matter. A team where everyone makes play happen. About FC Mobile EA SPORTS FC Mobile Shanghai is a global team devoted to developing and operating a high-quality mobile football game experience. Our quest for creativity, respect for autonomy, and emphasis on collaboration are at the heart of our team culture, which empowers us to create high-quality games and experiences worldwide. As a team, we are passionate, innovative, and open to possibilities. We learn from past experiences and strive for progress. We value team synergy and believe a relaxed working environment can yield better results. That's why we promote and support maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Location & work model: Hybrid in Shanghai Report to: Game Designer Director As an important member of the FC Mobile live service team, you need to coordinate internal and external teams with us. Responsibilities • You will participate in global and regional live service of FC Mobile and work with live team to achieve product goals. • Design the economic and numerical framework and its details of live events for users, analyze the event effect. • Assist the live service team in dealing with emergency issues. Requirements • Three or more years' experience in operations or designing for a global live project. • Experience with mobile game value design and operation. • Data sensitive. Ability to present and analyze data requirements based on operational work. • Proficiency in English reading and writing. • Good knowledge of football. • Work across time zones to a certain extent. About Electronic Arts We’re proud to have an extensive portfolio of games and experiences, locations around the world, and opportunities across EA. We value adaptability, resilience, creativity, and curiosity. From leadership that brings out your potential, to creating space for learning and experimenting, we empower you to do great work and pursue opportunities for growth. We take a holistic approach with our benefits program, focusing on physical, emotional, financial, career, and community wellness to support a balanced life with paid time off and new parent leave, plus free games and so much more. We nurture environments where our teams can always bring their best to what they do. Electronic Arts is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will also consider employment qualified applicants with criminal records in accordance with applicable law. EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law.
Development Manager项目经理30k-40k · 13薪
(此岗位要求英文口语流利,请到EA官网投递英文简历:https://jobs.ea点com/en_US/careers/JobDetail/Development-Manager/208274) Req ID: 208274 Studio: Create APAC EA Create APAC is a highly-engaged content creation team within EA Worldwide Studios. We are creatively driven and focused on high end visual production across multiple genres and art styles. Working with our game team partners around the world, we share a unified passion for creating amazing experiences and visuals. We seek pioneers who cut new paths and conquer challenges in our fast growing future. Responsibilities • Responsible for creating and validating project schedules that meet the requirements of the game team; discuss and create agreement on project resource requirements, workflow and milestones; establish WGLL (What Good Is), identify partners for regular communications and check-ins; • To minimize bottlenecks while ensuring the production pipeline matches with the needs of the game studios; • Identify project risks through regular monitoring of production status, team morale and communication channels; call out project risks and create mitigation plans before they become an issue; • Managing through change request process by communicating to project partners the nature of the change request, the cost of changes and the prioritization of the changes; • Provide leadership and mentorship to team members through regular 1:1s and weekly team meetings; • Find and address attrition risks; • Reward and recognize top performers through quarterly team performance review, promotions and salary adjustments while identifying and assisting low performers in improving their capabilities; • Discuss and help provide a career path for team members, identify training courses and seek opportunities to assign team members challenging assignments to improve their skills; Qualifications • 5+ years of game development experience, at least 1-2 years of hands on project management experience; • Excellent process mindset and documentation ability, previous process reengineering experience an added advantage; • Solid Project Management software experience, including but not excluding to: JIR,Shotgun, SharePoint, Visio or other visualization and diagramming tools; • Fluent in English and Mandarin; • Vendor management experience in distributed development is a big plus;
(资深)游戏服务器开发30k-45k · 14薪
国际化团队 顶级IP 人性化文化 福利好 不加班
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣,请在我们官方网站ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207887进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7GoC 我们是一支全球化团队,由创作者、剧作家、技术专家、体验创作者和创新者等角色组成。我们相信,精彩的游戏与体验始于与玩家和社区同样多样化的团队。在 Electronic Arts,你的想象力是对你的唯一限制。 EA SPORTS FC Mobile 上海工作室致力于全球运营及开发高质量的顶级体育IP手机游戏,持续为广大玩家提供出色的游戏体验。 我们对创新的追求,对自主的尊重,以及对团队合作的重视是我们团队文化的核心,这使我们能够在全球范围内创造高质量的游戏和体验。 我们的团队怀揣激情,勇于创新,乐于尝试新的可能性。我们从过去的经验中学习,快速适应并持续改进。我们重视团队协作,相信在轻松的工作环境能创造出更好的成果。 作为软件工程师,您是游戏创作过程中不可或缺的一部分,参与游戏和线上服务的功能设计和实现。 汇报对象:Technical Director 工作地点:上海 岗位职责 • 按时完成功能的服务器端代码开发,并确保交付代码的质量。 • 维护现有功能的服务器端代码,确保其健壮性。 • 协助解决服务器技术问题。 • 与团队成员协作,按计划完成日常任务。 任职要求 • 拥有超过 5 年的 PC / 移动端游戏服务器开发经验。 • 精通 Java、C++ 或 Go 语言中的至少一种。 • 了解常见的网络协议(如 TCP、UDP)。 • 掌握数据库知识(如 MySQL 或 Redis)。 • 了解容器和无服务器技术(Docker、Kubernetes)。 • 有使用 Perforce 和 Git 等版本控制软件的经验。 • 具备出色的调试能力。 关于 EA 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。
游戏服务器开发 - FC 手游25k-35k · 14薪
国际化团队 人性化文化 顶级IP 工作生活平衡
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣,请在我们官方网站ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207916和207917进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7Gc2 https://taou.cn/z7Gcz Electronic Arts creates next-level entertainment experiences that inspire players and fans around the world. Here, everyone is part of the story. Part of a community that connects across the globe. A place where creativity thrives, new perspectives are invited, and ideas matter. A team where everyone makes play happen. Job Title: Software Engineer (Game Backend) - Java FC Mobile Shanghai Studio is devoted to the development and operation of a high-quality mobile game with top sports IP as a global team. The team also continuously delivers fantastic game experience to global users. The quest for creativity, respect for autonomy, and emphasis on collaboration are at the heart of our company culture, which enables us to work in a rapid and efficient manner to ensure the release and operation of high-quality products worldwide. As a team, we are passionate, innovative, and open to possibilities. We learn from past experiences and keep moving forward. We value the synergy between teams and believe that a relaxing working atmosphere can yield better results, therefore, we promote and endeavor to maintain a healthy work-life balance. As a software engineer, you are an essential part of the game creation process and are involved in the feature design and implementation of the game and live service. You will report to a Sr Software Engineer. Job location: You will work in Shanghai. Responsibilities • Maintain existing server-side code to ensure its robustness • Address complex server-related technical issues, ensuring minimal downtime and interruption to services • Work on tasks related to server architecture/feature implementation, including planning, coordination, and documentation, and demonstrate commitment to delivery, under the guidance of technical directors • Maintain and adjust server components to ensure their successful adaptation to the development of the FCM project and its expansion into different regions. Qualifications • Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science or related fields • Have over 4 years of experience in game development. • Proficiency in Java, C or C++ • Knowledge of relational databases (e.g. MySQL or Postgres), NoSQL databases (e.g. MongoDB and DynamoDB), and in-memory data structure store (e.g. Redis) • Knowledge of container and serverless technologies (Docker, Kubernetes, AWS ECS), on the Linux platform • Experience in version control tools (Perforce, Git) About Electronic Arts We’re proud to have an extensive portfolio of games and experiences, locations around the world, and opportunities across EA. We value adaptability, resilience, creativity, and curiosity. From leadership that brings out your potential, to creating space for learning and experimenting, we empower you to do great work and pursue opportunities for growth. We take a holistic approach with our benefits program, focusing on physical, emotional, financial, career, and community wellness to support a balanced life with paid time off and new parent leave, plus free games and so much more. We nurture environments where our teams can always bring their best to what they do. Electronic Arts is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will also consider employment qualified applicants with criminal records in accordance with applicable law. EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law.
(资深)游戏服务器开发 - FC 手游30k-45k · 14薪
国际化团队 顶级IP 人性化文化 福利好 不加班
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣的话,请在我们官网ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207887 & 207918进行投递, 我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7GoC https://taou.cn/z7Grc 我们是一支全球化团队,由创作者、剧作家、技术专家、体验创作者和创新者等角色组成。我们相信,精彩的游戏与体验始于与玩家和社区同样多样化的团队。在 Electronic Arts,你的想象力是对你的唯一限制。 FC Mobile 上海工作室致力于全球运营及开发高质量的顶级体育IP手机游戏,持续为广大玩家提供出色的游戏体验。我们对创新的追求,对自主的尊重,以及对团队合作的重视是我们团队文化的核心,这使我们能够在全球范围内创造高质量的游戏和体验。 我们的团队怀揣激情,勇于创新,乐于尝试新的可能性。我们从过去的经验中学习,快速适应并持续改进。我们重视团队协作,相信在轻松的工作环境能创造出更好的成果。因此,我们提倡并支持维护工作与生活之间的健康平衡。 您将成为游戏开发过程中不可或缺的一部分,并参与功能开发、游戏交付。您将向技术负责人或技术总监汇报。 工作地点:你将在上海工作。 工作职责: • 负责服务器功能开发。 • 解决手机游戏的bug和实时问题。 • 为定义和开发项目测试、质量保证和发布流程的工具做出贡献。 • 与运营、测试团队和外部合作伙伴合作。 • 协助制定技术规范和流程文档。 • 参与识别服务器瓶颈和优化工作。 任职资历: • 计算机科学或相关专业本科以上学历。 • 5年或以上游戏服务器开发经验。 • 熟练掌握以下编程语言中的至少一种:Java、C/C++或Go。 • 熟悉常用算法和数据结构。 • 熟悉Linux平台开发。 • 熟悉Perforce或Git等源代码版本控制。 • 了解网络编程和HTTP和WebSocket等协议。 • 精通开发缓存数据库模式。 • 熟悉MySQL、PostgreSQL或Oracle等关系数据库。 关于 EA 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。
游戏项目管理 - 足球项目30k-45k · 14薪
知名IP 人性化文化 福利好 不加班
We are a global team of creators, storytellers, technologists, experience originators, innovators and so much more. We believe amazing games and experiences start with teams as diverse as the players and communities we serve. At Electronic Arts, the only limit is your imagination. FC Mobile Shanghai Studio is devoted to the development and operation of a high-quality mobile game with top sports IP as a global team. The team also continuously delivers fantastic game experience to global users. The quest for creativity, respect for autonomy, and emphasis on collaboration are at the heart of our company culture, which enables us to work in a rapid and efficient manner to ensure the release and operation of high-quality products worldwide. As a team, we are passionate, innovative, and open to possibilities. We learn from past experiences and keep moving forward. We value the synergy between teams and believe that a relaxing working atmosphere can yield better results, therefore, we promote and endeavor to maintain a healthy work-life balance. In pursuit of excellence, we strive to play a key role in the development of the mobile game industry. About the Position We are looking for a Development Management person to join our Shanghai team. You will report to Studio development director. You will manage the development scrum teams for us including artists, designers, software engineers, QA, and other production staff. You are the keepers of the project schedule and play an important role in successfully moving the development team from one project phase to the next while ensuring a focus on product quality, collaboration and communication. You will partner with producers and leaders in different territories to ensure the project is managed on time, to quality and within budget. Come join us! Responsibilities • Establish the project development structure and guide the project team to proceed. • Develop the project roadmap/schedule with estimation of the scope of work and determine the resource plan to meet the product requirements. Determine the resource plan to meet the product requirements. • Monitor the cycle of each development process, identify and mitigate the risks. • Produce milestone report and ensure the deliverables are on time, with high quality, and within budget. • Manage budget for procurement, travel and outsourcing; Identify and mitigate risks during the whole project cycle. • Communicate to project stakeholders including oversea partners on status update, resources, schedule, dependencies, risks and processes. • Ensure adequate equipment, tools and support are provided for team members. • Enhance personal understanding of the production process and offer input. • Provide input for departmental planning (i.e. resource planning, cost estimates); can facilitate process improvements across departments. Qualifications • 5+years Project Management experience including 3 years working in game industry • 3years of leadership experience (line management) • Experience managing projects in SCRUM • PMP Certification • Fluent English and Mandarin About Electronic Arts Everything we do is designed to inspire the world to play. Through our cutting-edge games, innovative services, and powerful technologies, we bring worlds with infinite possibilities to millions of players and fans around the globe. We’re looking for collaborative and inclusive people with diverse perspectives who will enrich our culture and challenge us. We take a holistic approach with our benefits program, focusing on physical, emotional, financial, career, and community wellness to support our people through every chapter of life. We provide comprehensive benefit packages and support for a balanced life with paid time off and new parent leave, plus free games and so much more. Our goal is to provide a safe and respectful workplace that empowers you to thrive in both work and life. Electronic Arts is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We will also consider employment qualified applicants with criminal records in accordance with applicable law. EA also makes workplace accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities as required by applicable law.
游戏 UI 设计师 - 足球游戏20k-30k · 14薪
国际化团队 人性化文化 顶级IP 工作生活平衡
Hello, 我们对您的背景很感兴趣,如果您对这个岗位感兴趣,请在我们官方网站ea.com/careers(可以切换中文)找到对应职位号207910进行投递, 麻烦将你的美术作品打包连同简历一起上传官网。我们会统一通过官网进行简历的审核以及推进面试流程,包括通过系统与你约定面试时间、签署保密协议等,麻烦及时查看邮箱,以免耽误面试进程。后续您可以在官网查看投递状态,谢谢! 官网职位链接: https://taou.cn/z7G1T 我们是一支全球化团队,由创作者、剧作家、技术专家、体验创作者和创新者等角色组成。我们相信,精彩的游戏与体验始于与玩家和社区同样多样化的团队。在 Electronic Arts,你的想象力是对你的唯一限制。 FC Mobile 上海工作室致力于全球运营及开发高质量的顶级体育IP手机游戏,持续为广大玩家提供出色的游戏体验。我们对创新的追求,对自主的尊重,以及对团队合作的重视是我们团队文化的核心,这使我们能够在全球范围内创造高质量的游戏和体验。 我们的团队怀揣激情,勇于创新,乐于尝试新的可能性。我们从过去的经验中学习,快速适应并持续改进。我们重视团队协作,相信在轻松的工作环境能创造出更好的成果。因此,我们提倡并支持维护工作与生活之间的健康平衡。 岗位介绍 我们正在寻找一名潜在的 UI 设计师加入我们。在这个多样化的岗位中,您将为我们的移动游戏设计、构建和实施用户界面,从初始流程和线框到原型和最终游戏布局,包括动画和特效的设计。 UI 设计师将向艺术总监汇报工作。该职位为现场工作,工作地点在上海办公室。欢迎加入我们! 岗位职责 • 你将独立完成界面渲染设计和布局,并创建美术资源。 • 你将独立开发UI相关资源,如图标和其他艺术元素。 • 你需要具备快速制作视觉化产品原型的能力。 • 你将与策划团队和程序团队协作开发。 • 您将与全球不同区域的合作伙伴合作,输出FC手游在线服务和市场活动的美术需求。 • 您将设计并实现美观、有创意、友好的用户体验。 • 您将按照给定的风格制作模型和动态图形,并根据反馈进行迭代。 • 您将准确估算工作,同时在质量和速度之间做出明智的权衡。 • 您将及时了解行业趋势和最佳实践,确保 EA 品牌游戏的品质。 任职要求 • 三年或以上的专业游戏设计经验。 • 出色的概念,插图和图形设计技能。 • 具备引擎内UI开发工具的经验。 • 了解用于图像放置相关的图像,颜色和文本布局。 • 了解与用户体验相关的流程,组成和设计。 • 将抽象概念概念化为令人印象深刻的屏幕视觉效果和动画的能力。 • 精通图形工具:Adobe系列工具。 • 高效快速的工作方式,能在截止日期压力下快速完成工作。 • 热爱玩游戏和创造优秀游戏! 关于 EA 在 Electronic Arts,我们的宗旨是“激励世界,同享乐游”。我们让兼具创意、创新和激情的人才共聚一堂,为世界各地的亿万名玩家创造非凡的全新游戏体验。我们知道我们的长处在于员工的多样性。我们保证员工处于包容的文化之中,为其提供学习和领导的机会,让其从事职业生涯中最有影响力、最有价值的工作。 我们把我们的员工放在首位。我们为员工提供全面的、着重于健康和福祉的福利保障,以满足您的需求,并帮助您平衡您的职业生涯和个人生活。我们提供充满活力和共同协作的工作环境,您可通过我们的员工资源小组进行联系和贡献,享受带薪休假、产假和育儿假来平衡工作与生活,另外还有免费的电子游戏等更多福利! Electronic Arts 是一个机会平等的雇主。所有招聘决定均不考虑种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教信仰、残障状况、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况、退伍军人身份或其他任何受法律保护的特征等因素的影响。EA 还会遵照相关法律,为符合条件的残障个体改善工作环境。
(高级)游戏产品经理 - FC 手游30k-40k · 14薪
We are a global team of creators, storytellers, technologists, experience originators, innovators and so much more. We believe amazing games and experiences start with teams as diverse as the players and communities we serve. At Electronic Arts, the only limit is your imagination. Location: Shanghai, China The candidate will report to the lead product manager. The job will require more than 4 working days in the office. Responsibilities: • You will understand the problems our games and business wants to solve, and then define the right data, analysis or interpretation to lead to the right recommendations and decisions. • You will monitor core KPIs in real-time to diagnose & triage issues with the game. • You will expertise in in-game economy design and and interpreting results to actionable items. • You will translate business needs to technical requirements for tests, then work with development teams to ensure correct implementation and tracking. • You will use qualitative and quantitative insights to influence product roadmap, author feature specs and maintain product feature backlog. • You will help us overcome technical/legal hurdles to bring new, innovative products to improve monetization and market them at scale. Qualifications: • 5+ years of experience in game design or product management, or any relevant field in video game industry • Bachelor's degree in Economics, Business Administration, Mathematics, Computer Science, or related field • Passion for sports game and football • Excellence in communication, especially articulating complex concepts to non-technical stakeholders • Ability to navigate through complex data sets to figure out the solution for the team • Ability to balance work across multiple initiatives • Great team player who likes working with a diverse set of individuals across departments Good to have: • Language: excellence in verbal/written English • SQL: The ability to write complex SQL queries to analyze our databases • Analytical coding: R, Python (and also Excel) for analytical purposes Good to have: • Language: excellence in verbal/written English • SQL: The ability to write complex SQL queries to analyze our databases • Analytical coding: R, Python (and also Excel) for analytical purposes • Having experience as a live monetization producer or an in-game economy designer is a plus