成都海顿软件技术有限责任公司成立于2009年,具有国家 “双软”认证资质,是四川省软件行业协会理事单位,西部地区首批进入移动互联网领域的软件开发商。公司现有研发人员近百人,研发团队下设iOS、Android、J2EE、前端、测试、图形设计、售后等多个部门,专注于移动互联网应用、电商平台、高端网站及政企管理软件研发。公司拥有业界当前主流的开发技术,例如J2EE、iOS、Android、PHP、.Net、Html5、Flex、Unity 3D以及图形设计等多种技术。
公司采用标准开发流程与管理方法保障软件的开发质量,通过SVN、Jira、Bugzilla、BitBucket 等工具可实现与全球各地客户全天候协同开发、无障碍交付。
Established in 2009, the state-identified software company is one of earliest app developers in western China. With nearly 100 highly skilled programmers from 6 departments including iOS, Android, J2EE, Web, QA and Graphic Design, the company has provided tons of mobile internet solutions to government institutions, business giants like PetroChina and also to small startups.
Supported by some popular tools such as SVN, Jira, Bugzilla, Bitbucket and so on, we are able to work with teams from every corner of the world together. The company averagely delivers about 100 apps a year and we are trying our best to provide more people with the most cost-effective service.