Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (Huatai Financial) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Huatai Securities Co., Ltd (601688.SH and 6886.HK). Serving as the hub of the Group’s oversea’s businesses, Huatai Financial now offers more than eight well established financial services to our clients worldwide, including investment banking, private wealth management, research and institutional sales, FICC trading, cross-border financing, equity and derivatives trading, asset management and US asset management (through AssetMark). Our target is to provide a seamless platform for our parent company’s extensive client resources to explore international opportunities, as well as to offer world class services to our institutional investors to gain access to our mainland domestic market.
华泰金融控股(香港)有限公司(以下简称“华泰金控”)是华泰证券(601688.SH 以及 6886.HK)在香港设立的全资子公司。作为集团海外业务旗舰,近年来华泰金控发展迅速,已经形成以投资银行、个人金融及财富管理、研究与机构销售、固定收益产品销售与交易、跨境及结构性投融资、股权衍生品、资产管理等,及通过子公司AssetMark开展的美国资产管理业务的八大核心业务板块。公司紧紧抓住中资企业“走出去”,海外企业“走进来”的市场机遇,致力于推动境内外资本市场“互联互通”,为境内外企业、机构及高净值客户提供全方位国际一流水平的跨境综合金融服务。