Castbox 是一个针对海外市场的音频内容聚合平台,服务来自135个国家的3000多万用户,音频内容过亿, 是最全最快的一站式智能音频平台-你想听的,都在这里。Castbox 涵盖70多种语言。包括新闻、喜剧、财经、教育、体育等17种音频类别。曾获得:
● Google Play 编辑的特别推荐
● 2016年 “年度趋势应用” 和 “最具娱乐性应用”
● 2017年安卓杰出应用
● Google Play 新闻榜单第三名
Castbox is an award-winning global podcast platform that enables anyone to easily find, access, create and enjoy spoken audio content. We provide our users with access to endless content in multiple languages, from anywhere, across any platform including Android, iOS, desktop, car and smart home devices.
Our proprietary technology includes features like curated podcast recommendations and in-audio deep search to customize our user’s listening experience to change the way we listen to spoken audio.