上海万耀企龙展览有限公司是国内主流的展览、会议及大型活动的主办机构之一,由VNU欧洲展览集团 - VNU Exhibitions Europe和企龙展览服务(上海)有限公司合资成立。目前,公司每年在上海、济南、东莞、重庆等地主办近20场国际性展览及会议,每年主办展览净面积近15万平方米。作为全球传媒巨子VNU集团亚洲区总部,公司业务不断扩大。现公司将以其国际化的工作氛围、富有竞争力的薪资、完善的福利及良好的培训诚邀优秀人才加盟万耀企龙大家庭。
VNU Exhibitions Asia—Corporate Profile:
As a strong force arm penetrating into China and Asia Pacific market, VNU Exhibitions Asia officially started operation in 2004 as joint business with leading international exposition and cross-media group—VNU Exhibitions Europe and Shanghai Keylong Exhibition Co. ltd.
Today, VNU Exhibitions Asia hosts more than 20 shows annually with affiliated high-end events serving fine segmented industries covering flooring, sun protection, doors and gates, real estate, public transportation, tourism, pets, luxury products and mass finance; among which some have reached No. 1 in Asia and second in the world in terms of net space.