共青团中央网络影视中心 简 介 共青团中央网络影视中心(以下简称“中心”)是共青团中央直属事业单位,担负面向青少年传播社会主义核心价值体系的重要使命,通过网络、影视和新媒体手段,用坚定的理想信念引导青少年,用绚丽的青春时尚凝聚青少年,用先进的网络文化服务吸引青少年,正在成为共青团向广大青少年供应健康向上网络文化产品的新媒体集群平台。 目前,中心已经形成了以桌面互联网、移动互联网、特色影视产品、创意文化产业为核心的四大平台。中心所属的中国青年网是中央重点新闻网站,在全社会和青年中形成了积极影响力。未来网是党中央交付团中央主办的未成年人专属网站,集聚了大量优秀的未成年人网络文化产品,深受社会各界欢迎。中心大力拓展移动网络业务,建设了共青团移动频道、未成年人手机上网综合服务平台、中青视讯、中国青年网络电视台,推出了集思想性、艺术性和观赏性于一体的大量影视文化精品,多项产品荣获国家“五个一”工程奖、中国电影政府奖等。中心坚持走技术创新的道路,拥有了覆盖网络、影视全产业制作、运营和传播的国家资质许可。2011年,中心和中国青年网获得了中央精神文明建设指导委员会“未成年人思想道德建设先进单位”称号,爱国主义网站群被评为“中国互联网品牌栏目” The Communication Centre of Chinese Communist Youth League (CCCYLC) is a subsidiary unit to the Central Committee of CCYL. As an integrated new media network for the youth, it is committed to promoting the mainstream socialist values and advanced internet culture among the young generation. The Communication Centre now runs its businesses and products on four platforms including desktop internet, mobile internet, film and television production and creative culture industry. China Youth Net (www.youth.cn), an influential youth-themed web portal run by the Centre, is one of the eleven state-accredited news websites. Its trademark colume, Youth Patriotism, has made a name as China’s internet brand. Future Link (www.k618.cn), a kids-only cyber space, aims to offer high-quality audios and videos for the under-aged. The Communication Centre of CCYL now has four registered media services running on its mobile platform. It has won multiple national prizes for a cluster of its films and television projects. It was honored “a frontrunner in young people’s moral leading” in 2011.