公司中文简介: 予信科技是国内领先的金融一级市场互联网应用解决方案提供商,目前已完成千万级别的新一轮融资。旗下主打产品“予信IBTOOL”是一款适用于国内投资银行业务的智能增效工具。未来,予信将致力于用技术深度改造传统金融的工作流程和知识管理方式,开发更多能应用于金融业务真实工作场景的智能产品与服务。
English Introduction:
Yuxin Tech Ltd is a leading internet application solution provider in domestic primary market, It has completed thousands financing in current round. The core element ‘IBTOOL’ is an intelligent production which is widely used in domestic investment banking business. Look into the future, Yuxin Tech Ltd aims to switch traditional financial workflow and information management into a high efficient level, develop more applications and services that can be competent in diverse financial dimensions.