亿磐(纽约证券交易所代码: EPAM)是全球数字化转型服务提供商。优秀的软件工程传承,使其成为在产品开发、数字化工程、数字产品设计行业的杰出企业。凭借其创新战略规划、专业IT咨询服务、综合设计能力;及其独特的“软件工程基因”,亿磐在全球部署的专业团队,以智能、互联、优活为理念,通过赋能商务、教育、健康等多元平台,助力世界各地的客户及合作伙伴实现未来。
亿磐的全球专业团队为分布于五大洲超过40个国家和地区的客户提供服务,被《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)评选为2021年度最受雇员喜爱工作场所。作为多个领域公认的市场领导者,亿磐在《财富》1000强信息技术服务公司中位列前15,并于2019、2020、2021持续三年在《财富》“100家增长最快的公司”榜中名列前茅。同时,亿磐也列位于《广告时代》(Ad Age)全球25家顶尖机构中,亿磐铿典被《咨询杂志》(Consulting Magazine)于2020年评选为发展最快的20家公司之一。
亿磐亚太被HR Online 授予员工体验奖之《最佳内部认证计划》金奖。
更多信息请访问www.epam.com , 或关注EPAM亿磐官方微信及领英。
Since 1993, EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) has leveraged its advanced software engineering heritage to become the foremost global digital transformation services provider – leading the industry in digital and physical product development and digital platform engineering services. Through its innovative strategy; integrated advisory, consulting and design capabilities; and unique ‘Engineering DNA,’ EPAM’s globally deployed hybrid teams help make the future real for clients and communities around the world by powering better enterprise, education and health platforms that connect people, optimize experiences, and improve people’s lives.
Selected by Newsweek as a 2021 Most Loved Workplace, EPAM’s global multi-disciplinary teams serve customers in more than 40 countries across five continents. As a recognized leader, EPAM is listed among the top 15 companies in Information Technology Services on the Fortune 1000 and ranked as the top IT services company on Fortune’s 100 Fastest-Growing Companies list for the last three consecutive years. EPAM is also listed among Ad Age’s top 25 World’s Largest Agency Companies and in 2020, Consulting Magazine named EPAM Continuum a top 20 Fastest-Growing Firm. Learn more at www.epam.com and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.