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D轮及以上 · 1000~10000人 · 跨境支付
4676 关注55 职位492 员工在脉脉
Airwallex空中云汇是一家全球金融科技公司,通过构建全球金融基础设施,为各类规模的企业提供数字化的金融科技产品。在全球互联的信息化时代,以更高效安全的方式帮助企业在全世界高速发展。 Airwallex空中云汇通过科技构建新一代的数字化金融基础设施,为企业提供端到端的金融服务平台:从付款到收款,从本地到跨境,提供实时、安全且高效的金融解决方案,节省客户的时间及成本;同时提供网页端应用和API解决方案,覆盖从大型机构到中小企业的不同需求。 使命 Mission 以技术为核心,构建全球金融基础设施与系统应用,帮助客户全球展业 愿景 Vision 创建全球金融云,让企业在世界各地便捷运营 目标 Purpose 持续连接创业者、企业家、创造者与全球机遇,赋能各类规模的企业跨境运营,以此助力全球经济发展
24-09-08 · 家里蹲有限科技公司
上海市某区政府公务员工资待遇 基本情况: 研究生 工龄7年 副科 区政府 工资情况: 打卡10400/月左右 公积金3000/月左右 年终奖30000/年 福利待遇3000/年左右 (非现金,一般都是米面粮油或者超市卡, 蛋糕卡这种) 到手:157800/年 总计:193800/年 您觉得这工资高吗? 评论区留下你的观点!
24-11-29 · 华语兄弟合伙人
资深技术规划专家(算力规划)-国企 北京市,上海市,广州 工作职责 1.结合国家政策和行业趋势,制定公司在全国一体化算力网建设中的战略规划,确保与国家“东数西算”工程的深度对接。 2.深入理解并应用大模型技术,推动公司在通用算力、智能算力、超级算力的一体化布局,以及东中西部算力一体化协同。 3.促进算力与数据、算法的一体化应用,提升公司在数字经济时代的核心竞争力。 4.制定算力发展与安全保障的一体化推进策略,确保公司在快速发展的同时,维护数据安全和网络安全。 5.与政府部门、行业组织和合作伙伴建立良好的合作关系,共同推动全国一体化算力网的建设和发展。 6.带领团队推进全国一体化算力网建设中的项目规划和实施工作顺利进行。 7.作为公司在云计算、数字化转型和算力网络领域的思想领袖,参与行业会议和研讨会,提升公司在相关领域的品牌影响力。 工作要求 1.大学本科及以上学历,并取得相应学位,计算机科学、信息技术、数据科学等相关专业优先。 2.8年及以上工作经验,其中5年及以上在云计算、大数据处理、人工智能或数字化转型领域经验。 3.熟悉国家关于数字基础设施和数字化转型的政策、法规和标准,具备在相关领域的战略规划和项目管理经验。 4.对大模型技术和人工智能的发展趋势有深入理解,能够将这些技术应用于公司的战略发展中。 5.具有较强的公共关系和沟通能力,能够有效地与各方利益相关者沟通和协作。
24-09-28 · 家里蹲有限科技公司
上海市直公务员(海关系统)工资待遇: 月薪:11700元,加班费约2800元,月收入约14500元。 公积金:双边5700元/月。 年终奖:公休应休未休奖9500元,13薪9500元。 项目奖金:根据表现,约20000元。 年收入:到手约213000元,总包约270000元。 总结: 待遇水平:较高,但上海的房价仍构成较大负担。

Airwallex空中云汇 · senior software engineer

影响力190 访客1321北京
个人简介:Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
senior software engineer


2024.06 - 至今(8个月)


2022.07 - 2023.09(1年2个月)


2019.07 - 2022.07(3年)


2018.01 - 2019.07(1年6个月)
senior software engineer


2024.06 - 至今(8个月)


2022.07 - 2023.09(1年2个月)


2019.07 - 2022.07(3年)


2018.01 - 2019.07(1年6个月)

Airwallex空中云汇 · 研发经理

影响力95 访客1462北京
个人简介:互联网金融技术/研发,任职Airwallex空中云汇研发经理职位,常驻北京;近期有1462位访问者,在脉脉形成影响力95;在2022-7至今,任Airwallex空中云汇公司研发经理职位;在2021-1至2022-6,任Coupang 公司Senior manager职位;在2016-9至2020-12,任Amazon公司Tech Lead职位;在2015-5至2016-8,任微软(中国)有限公司公司sde职位;在2010-7至2015-4,任YAHOO!北京研发中心公司senior sde职位;在2008-7至2009-11,任微软亚洲研究院公司实习生职位。
互联网金融技术/研发,任职Airwallex空中云汇研发经理职位,常驻北京;近期有1462位访问者,在脉脉形成影响力95;在2022-7至今,任Airwallex空中云汇公司研发经理职位;在2021-1至2022-6,任Coupang 公司Senior manager职位;在2016-9至2020-12,任Amazon公司Tech Lead职位;在2015-5至2016-8,任微软(中国)有限公司公司sde职位;在2010-7至2015-4,任YAHOO!北京研发中心公司senior sde职位;在2008-7至2009-11,任微软亚洲研究院公司实习生职位。


2022.07 - 至今(2年7个月)
Senior manager


2021.01 - 2022.06(1年5个月)
Tech Lead


2016.09 - 2020.12(4年3个月)


2015.05 - 2016.08(1年3个月)
senior sde


2010.07 - 2015.04(4年9个月)


2008.07 - 2009.11(1年4个月)


2022.07 - 至今(2年7个月)
Senior manager


2021.01 - 2022.06(1年5个月)
Tech Lead


2016.09 - 2020.12(4年3个月)


2015.05 - 2016.08(1年3个月)
senior sde


2010.07 - 2015.04(4年9个月)


2008.07 - 2009.11(1年4个月)

Airwallex空中云汇 · 高级研发工程师

影响力501 访客5636上海徐汇区
Python后端开发C/C++Mac OS开发


2023.06 - 至今(1年8个月)


2022.05 - 2023.05(1年)


2020.06 - 2022.03(1年9个月)


2019.12 - 2020.03(3个月)


2017.12 - 2019.10(1年10个月)


2023.06 - 至今(1年8个月)


2022.05 - 2023.05(1年)


2020.06 - 2022.03(1年9个月)


2019.12 - 2020.03(3个月)


2017.12 - 2019.10(1年10个月)
Python后端开发C/C++Mac OS开发
Who We Are Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders. With one of the world’s most powerful payments and banking infrastructure, our technology empowers businesses of all sizes to accept payments, move money globally, and simplify their financial operations, all in one single platform. Established in 2015 in Melbourne, our purpose is to connect entrepreneurs, business builders, makers and creators with opportunities in every corner of the world. Today, Airwallex has a global footprint across Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. Who You Are 1. Use React / TypeScript / HTML5 / ES6 + / Node.js / Next.js / CSS3 / SCSS / Material UI / Ant Design / Webpack / Yarn / GraphQL and other cutting-edge front-end technology stacks to build the large front-end architecture of the company's systems; 2. Cooperate with the UX team and background developers to improve the user experience of the company's products; 3. Try new technologies and propose architectural suggestions. What you'll bring: 1. More than 5 years of front-end development experience; 2. Have experience in developing large-scale system control interfaces; 3. Computer or related major, bachelor degree or above; 4. Fluent in English & Mandarin 5. Proficient in HTML5 / CSS3 / ECMAScript 6 + / TypeScript; 6. Proficient in React, VUE, Angular and corresponding technology stack; 7. Emotion, Styled-Component, SCSS; 8. Familiar with Material UI, Ant Design, Bootstrap 3 or other CSS frameworks; 9. Familiar with HTTP (s) protocol and RESTful specifications; 10. Webpack, Polyfill, Rollup.js. Bonus: 1. Front-end framework development experience; 2. Held front-end technical works, well-known blogs, public accounts, etc .; 3. Overseas study and work experience are preferred; 4. GraphQL, NextJS, Redis, RDBMS experience; 5. Tracking, Data Analytics experience such as GA, GTM; 6. CSS Animation, Zeplin, Abstract, H5 (Mobile Responsive), UI / VI experience; 7. BDD, TDD, CI / CD, Docker, K8S, Nginx and other DevOps related experience; 8. Java, Kotlin, Shell development experience.
Responsiblilities: Use Java 8 as the programming language, and cooperate with the senior technical team to develop the company's payment products and transaction systems; Based on the company's microservice framework, independently complete the design and development of components; Try new technologies and put forward architectural suggestions; Coach newcomers to develop good software engineering knowledge and coding standard awareness. Qualifications: More than 8 years of Core Java development, more than 5 years of experience in Internet application / large financial system / e-commerce platform development; More than one year experience in payment platform development; Bachelor degree in computer science and related majors; Proficient in Java 8, familiar with Java multi-threading, high concurrency, IO / NIO, network communication, etc .; Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with experience in design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot; Familiar with HTTP, TCP / IP protocol and REST specifications; Master Gradle / Maven and other build tools; Familiar with the use of Docker cluster; Familiar with JSON & XML. Bonus: International clearing and settlement / foreign exchange transactions; Fluent in English; Cassandra / Redis / NoSQL / Hadoop; Kotlin / Scala / Python / Golang / R; Docker Swarm / Kubernetes; JavaScript / Angular / React / CSS3; Aliyun Cloud / AWS.
工作职责: 1. 根据公司战略及业务发展目标制定客户拓展计划,可以有效分解执行细节,并在约定的时间执行达到预期的结果,配合公司整体的业务发展规划; 2. 深入了解FI(支付公司、银行及其他金融机构)在外汇风险管理及全球本地清算业务的合作需求,为FI机构提供极有竞争优势的外汇相关产品及全球本地清算的产品能力;与此同时与全球不同国家地区的银行等渠道深入本地清算合作; 3. 关注4大垂直化行业动态,进出口电商、OTA、在线教育、留学缴费。熟悉每个以上细分行业的支付痛点,并能在准确搜集行业产品需求后,与公司内部产品团队进行有效的沟通,积极形成更为完善、有针对性的行业综合解决方案,提升客户体验,增强客户粘性; 4. 客户Onboard之后,协助Account Manager深入挖掘客户需求,提升客户产品及运营体验,引导客户切入更多的交易流量,持续根据商户的业务合作; 5. 保持对行业相关领域内各类信息的敏感和追踪,及时反馈并建议,探索并推广新的商业合作模式,为公司业务带来可持续发展。 任职要求: 1. 大学本科及以上学历; 2. 三年以上相关工作经验,有银行/跨境支付/外汇/跨境电商背景优先; 3. 有极强的自我驱动力,以结果为导向,对结果负责; 4. 具备优秀的策划与客户沟通能力,能够与客户建立良好的合作关系; 5. 优秀的学习能力和沟通能力,思维敏捷、有良好的应变能力和承压能力; 6. 具有敏锐的市场洞察力和准确的分析能力,能够有效开发并维护客户资源。
Staff Software Engineer, Backend - Beijing60k-85k
Established in Melbourne in 2015, Airwallex is a global payments fintech transforming the way businesses move and manage money domestically and internationally. In today’s fastchanging digital era, our purpose is to empower businesses of all sizes to grow in their own markets and around the world, and by doing so, contribute to the global economy. With technology at our core, we built a proprietary global financial infrastructure platform to help businesses transact, collect and pay in any foreign currency across 130+ countries and 50+ currencies, without the constraints of the traditional global financial system. In just five years since we were founded, Airwallex has grown to become Australia’s fastest-growing fintech unicorn and a well-funded international technology leader backed by world-leading investors. Our leadership, innovation, and scale have been recognized and awarded by leading independent authorities, such as listing in Forbes' Cloud 100 2020, and placing in the Top 50 of KPMG’s Global Fintech100 two years in a row. To support our ambitious growth plans, we’re looking to expand our global teams with smart, driven, and passionate individuals who are excited about joining our rocketship and taking on the challenge of a lifetime. Responsibilities: 1. Lead the planning, design, and implementation of the Airwallex engineering system; 2. Work with the business/product team to deeply understand the business needs, scenarios, and subsequent development directions, complete system analysis, architecture design, and core function development, and be able to grasp the design of complex systems to ensure the quality of complex architecture; 3. Design and develop components based on the company's microservice framework; 4. Introduce innovative technologies and innovative solutions for the team; 5. Responsible for the construction and management of the technical team, and establish good internal coding standards. Qualifications: 1. More than seven years of Core Java development, experience in designing and developing Internet application / large financial system/e-commerce platform/risk control system; 2. Undergraduate and above in key colleges, computer science, and related majors; 3. Familiar with common design patterns, with experience in design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; 4. Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; 5. Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot; 6. Familiar with HTTP, TCP / IP protocol, and REST specifications; 7. Master Gradle / Maven and other building tools; 8. Familiar with the use of Docker cluster; 9. Familiar with JSON & XML. At Airwallex you’ll have the ability to make an impact in a rapidly growing, global fintech. You’ll be offered a competitive salary and we also like to ensure we create the best environment for our people by providing a collaborative open office space with a fully stocked kitchen. We organise regular team building events, encourage flexible/remote working and we give our people the freedom to be creative. Airwallex is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and anyone seeking employment at Airwallex is considered based on merit, qualifications, competence and talent. We don’t regard colour, religion, race, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, citizenship, sex, marital or family status, disability, gender, or any other legally protected status. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know. Airwallex does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms/recruiters. Airwallex will not pay any fees to search firms/recruiters if a candidate is submitted by a search firm/recruiter unless an agreement has been entered into with respect to specific open position(s). Search firms/recruiters submitting resumes to Airwallex on an unsolicited basis shall be deemed to accept this condition, regardless of any other provision to the contrary.
Engineering Lead, Backend55k-70k
About Airwallex Established in Melbourne in 2015, Airwallex is a global payments fintech transforming the way businesses move and manage money domestically and internationally. In today’s fast-changing digital era, our purpose is to empower businesses of all sizes to grow in their own markets and around the world, and by doing so, contribute to the global economy. With technology at our core, we built a proprietary global financial infrastructure platform to help businesses transact, collect and pay in any foreign currency across 130+ countries and 50+ currencies, without the constraints of the traditional global financial system. In just five years since we were founded, Airwallex has grown to become Australia’s fastest-growing fintech unicorn and a well-funded international technology leader backed by world-leading investors. Our leadership, innovation and scale have been recognised and awarded by leading independent authorities, such as listing in Forbes' Cloud 100 2020, and placing in the Top 50 of KPMG’s Global Fintech100 two years in a row. To support our ambitious growth plans, we’re looking to expand our global teams with smart, driven and passionate individuals who are excited about joining our rocketship and taking on the challenge of a lifetime. Responsibilities: 1. Lead a team of engineers, set goals and development targets for the engineers within the managed team and support the team with feedback and development plans as they progress; 2. Work closely with Product Managers to analyze the product requirements and then produce the technique solutions & execution plan to deliver the software products; 3. Hands-on design, implementation and deliver software functions; 4. Analyze and validate the technique design for the software functions from the team; 5. Review code from team members and ensure the standards; 6. Engage with the Product Manager into building a backlog that continuously contributes to the execution of the roadmap; 7. Contributing to the hiring, training and development of the engineers within the managed team. 8. Assure the collaboration between your team and other teams including local/global engineering teams, infrastructure teams, and product manager teams. Qualifications: 1. More than 8 years of back-end development experience and more than 3 years of back-end architecture experience; 2. Have experience in developing large-scale system control interface; 3. Fluent in English; 4. Bachelor's degree in computer science and related majors; 5. Proficient in Java 8, familiar with Java multi-threading, high concurrency, IO / NIO, network communication, etc .; 6. Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with experience in design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; 7. Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; 8. Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot; 9. Familiar with HTTP, TCP / IP protocol and REST specifications; 10. Master Gradle / Maven and other build tools; 11. Familiar with the use of Docker cluster; 12. Familiar with JSON & XML. Bonus: 1. International clearing and settlement / foreign exchange transactions; 2. Fluent in English; 3. Cassandra / Redis / NoSQL / Hadoop; 4. Kotlin / Scala / Python / Golang / R; 5. Docker Swarm / Kubernetes; 6. JavaScript / Angular / React / CSS3; 7. Aliyun Cloud / AWS. At Airwallex you’ll have the ability to make an impact in a rapidly growing, global fintech. You’ll be offered a competitive salary and we also like to ensure we create the best environment for our people by providing collaborative open office space with a fully stocked kitchen. We organize regular team-building events, encourage flexible/remote working and give our people the freedom to be creative. Airwallex is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity and anyone seeking employment at Airwallex is considered based on merit, qualifications, competence, and talent. We don’t regard color, religion, race, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, citizenship, sex, marital or family status, disability, gender, or any other legally protected status. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know. Airwallex does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms/recruiters. Airwallex will not pay any fees to search firms/recruiters if a candidate is submitted by a search firm/recruiter unless an agreement has been entered into with respect to the specific open position(s). Search firms/recruiters submitting resumes to Airwallex on an unsolicited basis shall be deemed to accept this condition, regardless of any other provision to the contrary.
Security Engineer24k-45k · 15薪
What you’ll do As a Security Engineer here at Airwallex, you will be a trusted member of the Information Security team and work closely with IT, product and engineering teams across the business. Reporting directly to the Security Engineering Lead, this role will see you being a critical part of Airwallex, helping to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover the organisation from cybersecurity threats. This is a dynamic and hands-on role that requires experience in designing, developing and managing infrastructure projects, processes and standards related to the security of our networks, systems and applications. Responsibilities: 1. Partner with other teams within Airwallex to analyse new or existing applications, software, or services and help drive security improvements. 2. Design, develop, test, and evaluate new security controls for a rapidly growing business. 3. Perform incident response and hunt through log sources to identify new threats. 4. Design and implement custom detection strategies and workflows to support the incident response lifecycle. 5. Analyse and develop integration, testing, operations, and maintenance of secure systems. 6. Use data collected from a variety of endpoint, network and cloud tools (e.g. EDR, authentication, firewalls, network traffic logs) to analyse, identify and mitigate threats. 7. Design, test, implement, deploy and maintain cybersecurity infrastructure projects. 8. Investigate, analyse and respond to cybersecurity incidents within the Airwallex environment. 9. Perform assessments of systems and networks to identify deviations in configurations and policies, identify vulnerabilities and support suitable mitigation and remediation. 10. Conduct collection, processing, and/or geolocation of threats in order to exploit, locate, and/or track cybersecurity threats infrastructure. 11.Perform network navigation, tactical forensic analysis, and defensive operations. 12. Identify, collect, examine, and preserve digital forensic evidence using analytical and investigative techniques. Who you are We're looking for people who meet the minimum qualifications for this role. The preferred qualifications are great to have, but are not mandatory. Minimum qualifications: 1. A passion for solving the complex challenges of high-growth startups. 2. Self motivation and drive to learn new skills, or dive deeper into existing skills. 3. Bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity, Computer Science or similar. 4. Recognised training or cybersecurity certifications (eg OSCP, GIAC, CEH). 5. 3-4 years working in a security engineering or incident response role within a tech company. 6. Strong experience with Crowdstrike EDR, Splunk and other common security monitoring tools. 7. In depth understanding of common attacker tools and techniques, how they can be detected and prevented, and ability to respond to incidents with high depth and quality of investigation. 8. Experience with GCP, Alibaba Cloud, and other cloud platforms is preferred. 9. Experience with Okta, GSuite, and cloud-based VPN services is preferred. 10. Strong communication skills with the ability to explain technical security and software concepts to a non-technical audience. 11. Experience with Python, Java/Kotlin, and/or Kubernetes. 12. Strong knowledge of common software development tools and infrastructure, including CI/CD tooling and pipelines. 13. Published articles, journals or blogs related to cybersecurity.
Senior Front End Engineer40k-70k · 15薪
Fintech独角兽; WLB; 跨国公司
Responsibilities: 1. Use React / TypeScript / HTML5 / ES6 + / Node.js / Next.js / CSS3 / SCSS / Material UI / Ant Design / Webpack / Yarn / GraphQL and other cutting-edge front-end technology stacks to build the large front-end architecture of the company's systems; 2. Cooperate with the UX team and background developers to improve the user experience of the company's products; 3. Try new technologies and propose architectural suggestions. Qualifications: 1. More than 3 years of front-end development experience; 2. Have experience in developing large-scale system control interfaces; 3. Computer or related major, bachelor degree or above; 4. Fluent in English & Mandarin 5. Proficient in HTML5 / CSS3 / ECMAScript 6 + / TypeScript; 6. Proficient in React, VUE, Angular and corresponding technology stack; 7. Emotion, Styled-Component, SCSS; 8. Familiar with Material UI, Ant Design, Bootstrap 3 or other CSS frameworks; 9. Familiar with HTTP (s) protocol and RESTful specifications; 10. Webpack, Polyfill, Rollup.js. Bonus: 1. Front-end framework development experience; 2. Held front-end technical works, well-known blogs, public accounts, etc .; 3. Overseas study and work experience are preferred; 4. GraphQL, NextJS, Redis, RDBMS experience; 5. Tracking, Data Analytics experience such as GA, GTM; 6. CSS Animation, Zeplin, Abstract, H5 (Mobile Responsive), UI / VI experience; 7. BDD, TDD, CI / CD, Docker, K8S, Nginx and other DevOps related experience; 8. Java, Kotlin, Shell development experience.
(Senior) Backend Engineer-Ops Efficiency25k-45k · 15薪
About the team Airwallex's risk platform team is dedicated to safeguarding the company's diverse range of products, including GTPN, PA, Issuing, Onboarding, and Account Takeover. Our responsibility extends to the crucial areas of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) for customer onboarding. As the risk landscape continuously evolves and fraudsters grow more sophisticated, innovation in risk management becomes paramount. Our team, dispersed across Beijing, Shanghai, and Singapore, collaborates globally with other teams and customers to approach risk management holistically. What you’ll do Our mission is to ensure Airwallex’s products and services remain safe and secure, positioning us as a trusted partner for businesses worldwide. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as graph, Machine Learning (ML), and Language Learning Models (LLM), we continuously refine our risk management strategies. This includes enhancing KYC and KYB processes to streamline onboarding while maintaining robust security protocols. This role is based in Singapore. Responsibilities: 1. Use Java 8 / Kotlin for the development of payment products and transaction systems in collaboration with the senior technical team. 2. Independently design and develop components within the company's microservice framework. 3. Work directly with product managers and users to understand and fulfill their requirements. 4. Explore new technologies and propose architectural improvements. Mentor newcomers to foster good software engineering practices and coding standards. Who you are We're looking for people who meet the minimum qualifications for this role. The preferred qualifications are great to have, but are not mandatory. Minimum qualifications: 1. Over 5 years of Core Java development experience and 3+ years in Internet application / large financial system / e-commerce platform development. 2. At least 1 year of experience in payment platform development. 3. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related fields. 4. Proficient in Java 8, with a strong understanding of Java multi-threading, high concurrency, IO / NIO, and network communication. 5. Well-versed with common design patterns and experienced in designing and developing large-scale distributed systems with high concurrency and high availability. 6. Mastery of various common server technologies to optimize service response and data queries. 7. Familiarity with Microservice Architecture and technologies like Spring / Spring Boot and build tools like Gradle / Maven. 8. Proficient in HTTP, GraphQL, GRPC, REST, JSON, and YAML. 9. Strong communication skills. Preferred qualifications: 1. Experience in international clearing and settlement / foreign exchange transactions. 2. Fluent in English. 3. Familiar with PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, Temporal, Kubernetes, CNCF, GitOps, and Cloud platforms (GCP/Aliyun/Databricks). 4. Knowledgeable in Kotlin, Scala, Python, Golang, TypeScript, React, CSS3. 5. Experience with OLAP skill based on BigQuery or Spark 6. Experience with LLM applications. 7. Background in finance/risk management.
Senior/Staff Backend Engineer [Shanghai or Singapore]40k-80k · 15薪
[工作地点: base 上海或者新加坡] About the team The Billing Team at Airwallex is at the forefront of transforming how businesses handle pricing, billing, and invoicing. Our mission is to create a seamless, scalable, and transparent billing platform that not only supports Airwallex's growth but also empowers our customers to easily manage their billing needs. Our team is dedicated to developing a next-generation billing platform designed to offer flexible pricing strategies and intuitive invoicing solutions. This platform aims to be a cornerstone for businesses, enabling them to bill and get paid effortlessly. By integrating cutting-edge technology, we ensure that our solutions are easy to adopt and integrate, providing a robust billing experience for all users. The engineering team spans across Shanghai and Singapore, offering the chance to collaborate with cross-functional teams around the world. Engage with various domains such as GTPN, PA, Scale, Issuing, and Spend to automate end-to-end pricing and billing processes. The work here is impactful, contributing to building a platform that empowers businesses globally, making a tangible difference in their operations. We envision a future where our billing platform not only supports Airwallex internally but also serves as an easy-to-integrate product for our customers. By joining our team, you play a crucial role in realizing this vision, working alongside talented professionals to deliver business-critical features and solutions. Together, we will build the next-gen billing solution that empowers businesses worldwide. This role is based in Singapore/Shanghai. Responsibilities: 1. Lead the planning, design, and implementation of the Airwallex engineering system; 2. Work with the business/product team to deeply understand the business needs, scenarios, and subsequent development directions, complete system analysis, architecture design, and core function development, and be able to grasp the design of complex systems to ensure the quality of complex architecture; 3. Design and develop components based on the company's microservice framework; 4. Introduce innovative technologies and innovative solutions for the team; 5. Responsible for the construction and management of the technical team, and establish good internal coding standards. Who you are We're looking for people who meet the minimum qualifications for this role. The preferred qualifications are great to have, but are not mandatory. Minimum qualifications: 1. More than 5 years of Core Java development, more than 5 years of experience in Internet application / large financial system / e-commerce platform development; 2. More than one year experience in payment platform development; 3. Bachelor degree in computer science and related majors; 4. Proficient in Java 8, familiar with Java multi-threading, high concurrency, IO / NIO, network communication, etc .; 5. Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with experience in design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; 6. Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; 7. Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot; 8. Familiar with HTTP, TCP / IP protocol and REST specifications; 9. Master Gradle / Maven and other build tools; 10. Familiar with the use of Docker cluster; 11. Familiar with JSON & XML. Preferred qualifications: 1. International clearing and settlement / foreign exchange transactions; 2. Fluent in English; 3. Cassandra / Redis / NoSQL / Hadoop; 4. Kotlin / Scala / Python / Golang / R; 5. Docker Swarm / Kubernetes; 6. JavaScript / Angular / React / CSS3; 7. Aliyun Cloud / AWS.
Senior/Staff Frontend Engineer [Shanghai or Singapore]40k-80k · 15薪
定期体检#补充医疗保险#五险一金#绩效奖金#股票期权#带薪年假#零食下午茶#团建聚餐#节日福利 #生日福利
[地点:上海或者新加坡] About the team: The Billing Team at Airwallex is at the forefront of transforming how businesses handle pricing, billing, and invoicing. Our mission is to create a seamless, scalable, and transparent billing platform that not only supports Airwallex's growth but also empowers our customers to easily manage their billing needs. Our team is dedicated to developing a next-generation billing platform designed to offer flexible pricing strategies and intuitive invoicing solutions. This platform aims to be a cornerstone for businesses, enabling them to bill and get paid effortlessly. By integrating cutting-edge technology, we ensure that our solutions are easy to adopt and integrate, providing a robust billing experience for all users. The engineering team spans across Shanghai and Singapore, offering the chance to collaborate with cross-functional teams around the world. Engage with various domains such as GTPN, PA, Scale, Issuing, and Spend to automate end-to-end pricing and billing processes. The work here is impactful, contributing to building a platform that empowers businesses globally, making a tangible difference in their operations. We envision a future where our billing platform not only supports Airwallex internally but also serves as an easy-to-integrate product for our customers. By joining our team, you play a crucial role in realizing this vision, working alongside talented professionals to deliver business-critical features and solutions. Together, we will build the next-gen billing solution that empowers businesses worldwide. Responsibilities: 1. Coding with the latest version of React and Typescript to build high-quality products 2. Build micro FE web applications with domain-based design architecture and seamless integrate by using a single SPA framework and best practices 3. Leverage Apollo GraphQL as the backend for frontend(BFF) to build scalable and high-performance node service with simple and contact-based integration with backend 4. Cooperate with the design team to build a design system and common components, provide universal UI / UX experience across different domain teams, benchmark material-ui and ant design 5. Deliver NPM package and library widgets with open source project to easy client integration 6. Leverage GCP & Aliyun K8S / Bucket CDN and Cloudflare to deploy micro FE and node.js service with GitLab CICD best practices 7. Adopt React testing library/test render / cypress to design high-quality unit test and e2e test with 80%+ coverage 8. Using contentful and next.js to build nocode / serverless CMS system for corpsite & branding landing pages 9. Actively engage with frontend guild, research cutting edge technologies, and drive initiatives to build high-quality products and clean up techdebts Qualifications: 1. More than 5 years of front-end development experience and more than 2 years of front-end architecture experience; 2. Have experience in developing large-scale financial web systems; 3. Computer or related major, bachelor degree or above; 4. Fluent in English; 5. Proficient in HTML5 / CSS3 / ECMAScript 6 + / TypeScript; 6. Proficient in React, VUE, Angular and corresponding technology stack; 7. Emotion, Styled-Component, SCSS; 8. Familiar with Material UI, Ant Design, Bootstrap 3 or other CSS frameworks; 9. Familiar with HTTP (s) protocol and RESTful specifications; 10. Webpack, Polyfill, Rollup.js. 11. Familiar with building BFF using node.js Bonus: 1. Front-end framework development experience; 2. Held front-end technical works, well-known blogs, public accounts, etc .; 3. Overseas study and work experience; 4. GraphQL, NextJS, Redis, RDBMS experience; 5. Tracking, Data Analytics experience such as GA, GTM; 6. CSS Animation, Zeplin, Abstract, H5 (Mobile Responsive), UI / VI experience; 7. BDD, TDD, CI / CD, Docker, K8S, Nginx, and other DevOps related experience; 8. Java, Kotlin, Shell development experience
Software Developer25k-43k · 15薪
Fintech独角兽; WLB; 跨国公司
<暂时没有校招需求,欢迎1年+社招人选投递> You will: - Work with a wide range of systems and teams to deliver a solid foundation for our global payment infrastructure - Communicate with other engineering teams across Airwallex’s global offices - Collaborate with our users and financial partners on a regular basis - Design, build, and maintain APIs, services, and systems - Debug production issues at multiple levels of the stack - Own and optimize several critical parts of Airwallex’s online payment processing flow You may be a fit for this role if you: - Have at least 3 years of engineering experience - Love to design systems that are elegant abstractions over complex patterns/practices, especially in the financial industry - Think about systems and services and write high quality code. We work mostly in Kotlin - However, languages can be learned: we care much more about your general engineering skill than knowledge of a particular language or framework - Hold yourself and others to a high bar when working with production systems - Uphold best practices in engineering, security, and design - Thrive in a collaborative environment involving making decisions with different stakeholders and subject matter experts - Enjoy working with a diverse group of people with different expertise. Engineers at Airwallex collaborate with teams across the company, from Sales and Support in sharing feedback from our customers, to Legal and Accounting in supporting our systems for tracking money movement and reporting around the world Plus: - Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot - Familiar with HTTP protocol and RESTful specifications - Knowledge about Cassandra / PostgreSQL / Redis / NoSQL - Working experience with Kotlin / Scala / Python / Shell - Working experience with RabbitMQ / Kafka - Knowledge about Nginx / F5 - Working experience with cloud vendors, such as Aliyun Cloud, GCP or AWS
Senior Software Engineer, Client Risk 40k-70k · 15薪
About the team The Risk Platform Team at Airwallex is responsible for managing the risk for all the products at Airwallex, including GTPN, PA, Issuing, Onboarding, and Account takeover. The risk landscape is constantly changing, and fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated. We are at the forefront of innovation in risk management. What you’ll do Our mission is to keep Airwallex's products and services safe and secure, and make Airwallex a trusted partner for businesses around the world. We use cutting-edge technologies, such as graph, ML, and LLM, to implement and improve our strategy. Our team expands across Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore. We collaborate with other teams and our customers globally to ensure a holistic approach for risk management. This role is based in Shanghai. Responsibilities: 1. Build and maintain risk monitoring system to detect client risk automatically and intelligently. 2. Build and maintain name screening service for sanction and anti money laundering. 3. Build client management system for internal operation teams. 4. Build high available low latency distributed systems with public cloud infrastructure. 5. Build reliable data pipelines and data quality monitoring programs. 6. Collaborate with cross-functional teams for operational excellence and delightful user experience. Who you are We're looking for people who meet the minimum qualifications for this role. The preferred qualifications are great to have, but are not mandatory. Minimum qualifications: 1. B.S. in Computer Science or a related technical discipline, or equivalent experience; 2. Experience with backend technologies is essential. While we do not mind what language you have most recently been using, we are using Java, Python or Kotlin, Spring / Spring Boot; 3. Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with experience in design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; 4. Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; 5. A clear focus on measurable customer outcomes; 6. Strong communication and collaboration skills, work well in a cross-functional environment; Preferred qualifications: 1. In-depth knowledge of risk management strategies and fraud detection techniques, particularly within financial and fintech industries. 2. Experience with machine learning models and frameworks for predictive risk analytics. 3. Familiarity with real-time data streaming technologies like Apache Kafka/Flink to ensure timely detection and response to potential threats. 4. Knowledge of NoSQL databases, cloud technologies (Google Cloud / AWS), and container orchestration tools. 5. Experience with big data technologies, such as Spark, BigQuery, Airflow, ElasticSearch.
(Senior) Backend Engineer, Transaction Risk25k-50k · 15薪
About the team The risk platform team at Airwallex is responsible for managing the risk for all the products at Airwallex, including GTPN, PA, Issuing, Onboarding, and Account takeover. The risk landscape is constantly changing, and fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated. We are at the forefront of innovation in risk management. What you’ll do Our mission is to keep Airwallex's products and services safe and secure, and make Airwallex a trusted partner for businesses around the world. We use cutting-edge technologies, such as graph, ML, and LLM, to implement and improve our strategy. Our team expands across Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore. We collaborate with other teams and our customers globally to ensure a holistic approach for risk management. This role is based in Shanghai. Responsibilities: 1. Collaborate with the senior technical team to develop and enhance the company’s payment products and transaction systems using Java/ Kotlin. 2. Independently design and develop components on the company’s microservice framework. 3. Experiment with new technologies and propose architectural improvements. 4. Support and mentor less-experienced team members in software engineering practices and coding standards. Who you are We're looking for people who meet the minimum qualifications for this role. The preferred qualifications are great to have, but are not mandatory. Minimum qualifications: 1. More than 5 years of Core Java development, more than 5 years of experience in Internet application / large financial system / e-commerce platform development; 2. More than three years experience in risk platform or payment platform development; 3. Bachelor degree in computer science and related majors; 4. Proficient in Java, familiar with Java multi-threading, high concurrency, IO / NIO, network communication, etc .; 5. Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with experience in design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; 6. Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; 7. Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot and RESTful services; 8. Master Gradle / Maven and other build tools; 9. Familiar with JSON & XML. Preferred qualifications: 1. In-depth knowledge of risk management strategies and fraud detection techniques, particularly within financial and fintech industries. 2. Familiarity with graph databases and the ability to utilize them for pattern and anomaly detection. 3. Experience with machine learning models and frameworks for predictive risk analytics. 4. Familiarity with real-time data streaming technologies like Apache Kafka/Flink to ensure timely detection and response to potential threats. 5.Strong data analytics skills, with experience using tools like ClickHouse, Spark, or NoSQL databases for large-scale data processing and risk analysis. 6. Advanced problem-solving skills with prior experience in incident response and risk mitigation planning 7. Strong team player with effective communication skills.
Engineering Manager [新加坡/上海base]55k-90k · 15薪
The Opportunity: Established in Melbourne in 2015, Airwallex is a global payments fintech transforming the way businesses move and manage money domestically and internationally. In today’s fast-changing digital era, our purpose is to empower businesses of all sizes to grow in their own markets and around the world, and by doing so, contribute to the global economy. With technology at our core, we built a proprietary global financial infrastructure platform to help businesses transact, collect and pay in any foreign currency across 130+ countries and 50+ currencies, without the constraints of the traditional global financial system. In just five years since we were founded, Airwallex has grown to become Australia’s fastest-growing fintech unicorn and a well-funded international technology leader backed by world-leading investors. Our leadership, innovation and scale have been recognised and awarded by leading independent authorities, such as listing in Forbes' Cloud 100 2020, and placing in the Top 50 of KPMG’s Global Fintech100 two years in a row. To support our ambitious growth plans, we’re looking to expand our global teams with smart, driven and passionate individuals who are excited about joining our rocketship and taking on the challenge of a lifetime. Responsibilities: 1. Lead a team of engineers, set goals and development targets for the engineers within managed team and support the team with feedback and development plans as they progress; 2. Work closely with Product Managers to analysis the product requirements and then produce the technique solutions & execution plan to deliver the software products; 3. Hands-on design, implement and deliver software functions; 4. Analyze and validate the technique design for the software functions from the team; 5. Review code from team members and ensure the standards; 6. Engage with the Product Manager into building a backlog that continuously contributes to the execution of the roadmap; 7. Contributing to the hiring, training and development of the engineers within the managed team. 8. Assure the collaboration between your team and other teams including local/global engineering teams, infrastructure teams, and product manager teams. Qualifications: 1. More than 8 years of back-end development experience and more than 3 years of back-end architecture experience; 2. Have experience in developing large-scale system control interface; 3. Fluent in English; 4. Bachelor degree in computer science and related majors; 5. Proficient in Java 8, familiar with Java multi-threading, high concurrency, IO / NIO, network communication, etc .; 6. Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with experience in design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; 7. Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; 8. Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot; 9. Familiar with HTTP, TCP / IP protocol and REST specifications; 10. Master Gradle / Maven and other build tools; 11. Familiar with the use of Docker cluster; 12. Familiar with JSON & XML. Bonus: 1. International clearing and settlement / foreign exchange transactions; 2. Fluent in English; 3. Cassandra / Redis / NoSQL / Hadoop; 4. Kotlin / Scala / Python / Golang / R; 5. Docker Swarm / Kubernetes; 6. JavaScript / Angular / React / CSS3; 7. Aliyun Cloud / AWS.
Senior Software Engineer - IAM & Account55k-65k
The Opportunity: Be Part of Our IAM & Account Team Become an integral part of our Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Account team, where you will play a critical role in advancing our identity solutions and fortifying our account infrastructure. We are on the lookout for passionate engineers driven to work on cutting-edge projects that enhance the availability, scalability, and security of our platform. Engage in global collaboration with product managers, designers, and fellow engineers to deliver exceptional IAM solutions that safeguard businesses and optimize our account infrastructure for Airwallex's exponential growth. What You'll Do - Develop and Evolve: Working with best talents and build IAM products with revolutionary technologies to keep businesses secure; - Measure and Optimize: Leverage data to drive decisions. Your keen data sense will help you measure the success of our products and identify opportunities for optimization and growth; - Engineer Excellence: Champion engineering excellence by establishing and maintaining high standards for code quality, performance, and security. Design and implement scalable infrastructure solutions that support and accelerate Airwallex's exponential growth.