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不需要融资 · 1000~10000人 · 汽车制造/维修/零配件·汽车生产制造·整车制造业
3.9w 关注3 职位5509 员工在脉脉
大众汽车集团是中国汽车工业最早也是最成功的国际合作伙伴之一,携手中国汽车工业走过四十年。 早在1978年,大众汽车集团就开始了与中国的联系。1984年,集团在华的第一家合资企业—上汽大众汽车有限公司奠基成立;1991年,一汽-大众汽车有限公司成立;2017年,大众汽车(安徽)有限公司成立,专注于新能源汽车的研发和制造;2021年,奥迪一汽新能源汽车有限公司注册成立,专注生产豪华纯电动车型;2023年,集团在德国总部以外最大的研发中心——大众汽车(中国)科技有限公司(VCTC)成立。作为集团唯一聚焦智能网联汽车转型的研发中心,大众汽车(中国)科技有限公司赋能集团全面融入中国的产业生态,以更快地开发并制造满足中国客户需求的产品。 大众汽车集团在华经营范围包括汽车、发动机和变速箱等零部件的生产、销售与服务。通过大众汽车集团(中国)及在华子公司,集团旗下的大众汽车乘用车、大众汽车商用车、奥迪、斯柯达、捷达、保时捷、宾利、兰博基尼和杜卡迪等品牌在中国各细分市场开展业务。 自进入中国以来,大众汽车集团在中国始终处于市场领先地位。2023年,大众汽车集团(中国)及合资企业在中国内地及香港地区的汽车交付量超323万辆。 在全球汽车产业向智能网联汽车转型的浪潮中,大众汽车集团坚定落实战略投资规划,以进一步提高竞争力、在最具潜力的市场中拓展业务版图,并强化产品组合。在中国,集团秉承“在中国,为中国”战略,持续推进本土化进程,加速研发,将智能化技术更快地应用到集团旗下品牌的产品中,稳步扩大智能网联汽车产品组合。为确保落实战略举措与战略性投资,集团正在进一步优化成本结构,从而为中国客户提供更具经济竞争力的产品。大众汽车集团已经制定了明确的产品路线图:到2030年,集团旗下各品牌将提供不少于30款纯电动车型。 大众汽车集团(中国)目前在上海、长春、大连、南京、仪征、成都、佛山、宁波、长沙、乌鲁木齐、青岛、天津和合肥建有39家工厂,进行车辆及零部件的生产。其中,位于安亭、佛山及合肥的MEB工厂专注于纯电动车型的生产。 截至2023年底,包括合资企业在内,大众汽车集团(中国)拥有员工超过9万人。 大众汽车集团(中国)始终致力于成为中国社会值得信赖的合作伙伴,在为消费者提供可靠、高质量产品与服务的同时,更以支持中国社会的可持续发展作为重要己任。大众汽车集团(中国)在企业社会责任框架内
新年新气象,@贝瑞德RalfBrandstaetter 录了段小视频,和同事们聊了聊那些即将在今年发生的大事件🎊。 我们已经为2025交付之年做好了充分的准备💪! 划个重点: ✅奥迪全新电动品牌#AUDI#将推出首款量产车型🚩 ✅基于纯电动PPE平台打造的#Q6L e-tron#将向用户交付🔋 ✅大众#ID. 与众#新品类的全新车型,更潮流,更智能💡 ✅基于CMP纯电动汽车平台开发的首台大众汽车原型车,搭载全新CEA电子电气架构💯 ✅多款经典燃油车型的混动化、智能化升级🆙 ✅集团首款增程式车型即将与大家见面🚗 一起点击视频看看!
又双叒蝉联!🎉大众汽车集团(中国)连续第十一年荣获 “中国杰出雇主” 称号。多年来,我们始终将此认证视为衡量自身与行业标准的标尺,不断以此为镜,评估并优化人才战略,从而增强竞争力、提升效率,为业务转型持续赋能。在全新人才战略下,我们与员工并肩同行💪,在追求卓越的路上成为彼此的最佳伙伴🤝。我们致力于构建一个平台,让每位人才与大众汽车集团(中国)都能不断挖掘新潜能,共同闪耀光芒
ADAS Test Engineer15k-25k · 16薪
Brief description of the position/ Range of responsibility: Scope of this position is testing of a ADAS China specific L2 System, including test design, test management and test execution. Also involves the error management, e.g. bug-fix process with multiple stakeholders. Key Tasks: 1、Create, manage and steer testing and validation processes for the L2 driver assistance development projects. 2、Design test scenario and test cases, maintain the test cases accroding to the requirements changes. 3、Collaborate with the component, system and function developers of for requirement break-down. 4、Ensure the tracibility between the requirements and test catalogue. 5、Use testing equipement (Vector, ODIS,..) to Reproduce the customer compliants and record traces. 6、Ability to conduct pre-analysis to locate the root-cause. 7、Track the bug-fix process, coordinate the JVs and Supplier to ensure quick and effective bug-fixing 8、Fleet-management, partially support on testing fleet management and test route plan 9、Additional tasks may be assigned by the supervisor due to work requests 10、Performing individual task-related duties in accordance with the knowledge and experience of the position holder. Qualification and Skills: 1、Bachelor or Master degree in automotive / electrical / computational engineering or similar 2、2-5 years experience in automotive or similar development, favourably with hardware development and testing or test automatization, excellent student can also be accepted. 3、Knowledge in OEM development process and overall vehicle architecture 4、Experience in project management (time management / planning / monitoring) 5、High process and quality affinity 6、Highly structured, analytical and self-organized, -motivated 7、Excellent capabilities in communication and team work 8、Strong ability in problem solving, availability of multiple tasks 9、Experience of studying / working abroad as a plus
ADAS Engineer-Map Development15k-25k · 16薪
Department Mission: • Design and development of localized ADAS/AD function for Chinese customers • Harmonization of ADAS/AD concept and technical solution for multiple projects and platforms within the VW Group • ADAS/AD project governance and release Your Responsibilities (within 5 lines): • Lead ADAS HDmap and positioning technology (RTK/IMU/GNSS...) project, including project coordination, project status monitoring, and cost analysis. • Design, develop and implement testing tool chain for map and positioning technology. • Lead Geo-data compliance process in EF, ensure all the ADAS functions to meet the China local requirements. • Propose and align the new technology concept with the function and component experts and analyze the function implementation feasibility. • Benchmarking/scouting HDmap and positioning technology in China market and reporting the China local OEMs solutions. Required Qualification: • Education: Bachelor degree or above in automotive engineering, computer science, software engineering, geographic information engineering, or data science • Work Experience: 3+ years of automotive engineering experience, 2+ years in ADAS/AD development field (or similar)), experience in map supplier company is preferred. • Knowledge, skills and abilities: o Knowledge in Map development, especially in HDmap and swarm data map. o Experience in supplier exchange and management. o Experience in Geo-data compliance handling. o Experience in Cloud service for Map is preferred. o Highly structured, analytical, and self-organized. o Excellent capabilities in communication and team spirit. o Strong ability in problem solving, availability of multiple tasks. o Experience of studying/working abroad as a plus. • Language skills: o Excellent English language skills in written and spoken o Fluent Chinese language skills o German language skills as a plus
Model Shopfloor Management15k-25k · 16薪
Brief description of the position/ Range of responsibility: This position also holds the responsibility to produce component in agreed timeline and quality requirements by coordinating the problems occurred in workshop, arranging tasks to workers and balance workload, investing equipment/tools, and dealing with all workshop related topics such as safety/5S etc.. Key Tasks: 1、负责模型排产计划,协调资源,负责监督零件生产、打磨和装配 Responsible for setting up manufacture plan, coordinating manufacture resources, supervising parts production / grinding / assembly 2、负责制定工作指南、车间管理标准和流程以及岗位操作标准和流程,确保制造安全。Responsible for establish working instructions, workshop management standards & process and position operating standards & process, ensure manufacturing safety. 3、跟踪坯料和耗材库存,定期完成相关采购工作 Track inventory of billets and consumables, and regularly complete relevant procurement work 4、负责零件加工精度和表面质量检测,合格后完成交付 Responsible for inspecting the machining accuracy and surface quality of parts, and completing delivery after passing the inspection 5、负责车间人员岗位安排、管理和培训 Responsible for job arrangement, management, and training of workshop personnel 6、负责车间日常的5S管理 Organize the establishment of a workshop daily 5S management 7、负责协调解决设备故障和定期保养 Responsible for coordinating and resolving equipment malfunctions and regular maintenance 8、负责管理EHS(固体/危险废物)和与模型制造相关的安全主题,遵守并实施公司政策,并担任确保安 Responsible for Managing EHS (solid / hazard wastes) and security topics related to Model manufacturing, observe and implement policy in company and act as the first responsible person to ensure safety. Qualification and Skills: 1、Bachelor degree or above 2、At least 15 years of experience in Automatic industry, at least 10 years of it related with Model manufacture 3、Good communication skills, positive work attitude and strong team awareness. 4、Possess knowledge of production management and general knowledge in the mechanical processing industry 5、Excellent language skills in Chinese, English & German is appreciated