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哈尔滨众维同升科技有限公司(Harbin As One Ascend Technology Co.,Ltd)是一家工业智慧化高科技企业,为顺应“中国制造2025”战略趋势,专注于将十大重点领域中的电力设备与信息技术深入融合,助力电力企业转型发展。 公司在电站主辅机设备优化、电站过程控制改造优化、电力技术研发、运维诊断及电站技术人员培训等领域具有优势,是“中国能源技术发展协会”理事单位。2016年由市委市政府指导落户哈尔滨经济开发区“中国云谷”科技园,当年即被评为“中国云谷最具产业优势企业”荣誉称号。哈尔滨众维同升科技有限公司在巩固电力自动化领域技术优势的同时,依托多年工程经验,正在积极拓展针对电力行业的物联网+工业大数据云平台业务,打造集“现场采集、远程传输、云端存储、远程分析、智能诊断、即时交互、远程运维于一体的现代化信息化平台,基于该大数据平台,为电站“数据存储接入、设备检修更换、系统升级优化、生产运维培训、燃料给水供电、管理租赁折旧、节能提效环保”等领域提供设备输出、方案输出、工程输出的一揽子解决方案,形成新型产供销一体化链条,为电站安全、绿色、经济、高效运行保驾护航,使电站由信息化向智慧化转变。 哈尔滨众维同升科技有限公司借助电力行业深厚的技术积累,拥有一支经验丰富、不断创新的高素质技术研发团队;永于拼搏、敏锐诚信的营销团队;技术成熟、快速响应的技术服务团队;公司将秉承“数据改变世界,科技创造未来”的核心价值观,为国家“中国制造2025”的宏伟蓝图贡献力量。 Abort Us Harbin As One Ascend Technology Co.,Ltd is an industrial intelligent high-tech enterprises, in order to comply with the”Made in China 2025”strategic trends, focusing on the deep integration for power equipment and information technology in ten key areas , help electric power enterprise restructuring and development. The company has the advantage in the optimization of the main auxiliary equipment of power station, optimization of power plant process control system, research and development of power technology, the diagnosis of operation and maintenance, technology personnel training for power plant,which is Deputy Governing Unit of“China Energy Technology Development Association ”In 2016, under the guidance of municipal party committee and government, Harbin As One Ascend Technology Co.,Ltd was settled in “China cloud valley”-science and technology park of Harbin economic development zone, At the same year, it was rated as the honorary title “Most Competitive Advantage of Industrial Enterprise of China cloud valley ” Harbin As One Ascend Technology Co.,Ltd in the consolidation adventage of power automation technology at the same time, based on years of experience in engineering, is actively expanding in the electric power industry networking +industry big data cloud platform business, create a set of field acquisition, remote transmission, cloud storage, remote analysis, intelligent diagnosis, real-time interaction, remote operation and maintenance in one of the modern information platform, which based on the big data platform,“storage access of data,maintenance and replacement of equipment, optimization and upgrade of system, operation and maintenance training of production, fuel and water supply, management of power plant and lease and depreciation of eqipment, energy efficiency and environmental protection areas to provide the package solution programme of equipment output, technical proposal output and the construction output, to produce a new “production, supply, sale” integrated chain, for power plant safety, green, economic, efficient operation escort, the power station by the information turn to the wisdom. Harbin As One Ascend Technology Co.,Ltd, based on the profound technology accumulation of electric power industry, has an experienced and continuously innovative high quality technical team, the fighting, acute and honest marketing team, the technical service team with mature technology and quick response. The company will be adhering to the core values “science and technology to change the world, the data to create the future”, and contribute to the grand blueprint of “Made in China 2025”to the nation.
美团优选立足生鲜零售业务,是美团具有重要战略性的新业务领域之一。美团优选采取“预购+自提“的模式,为社区家庭用户精选高性价比的商品。我们建立有全国范围内的物流配送体系,在上游对接产地和供货商,引进质优价廉的生鲜食材及日用品,为消费者提供更方便的购物体验。美团优选也始终致力于实现社会价值。近年来,我们开展“农鲜直采”计划,与全国多个地方政府建立合作,加速优质农产品从原产地直达社区,助力乡村振兴;同时,我们还积极培养农村电商人才,拉动千万就业,助力地方扶贫。 这里是一片充满收获和成长的广袤天地,有完善的社招、校招人才选拔及培养体系,一切蓄势待发,只等你来! 岗位职责 1、带领团队开拓城市社区电商市场,开发城市社区团长,协助城市经理开拓城市业务;2、目标分解,带领BD团队对负责区域社区团长进行业务推广,产品介绍及服务优势,获客、引导活动推广、用户新增,完成业绩指标;3、负责对团队成员有效的培训和辅导,培养出能够独挡一面的BD成员;4、负责所属区域BD人员的招募、选拔、留用、培养、关怀、考核工作,通过团队拿到结果;5、负责BD工作所需要的物料、赠品的预定、运营、管理工作;6、负责提供日常同业资料的收集、反馈以及运营优化策略的提出。 岗位基本需求 1、两年及以上的销售、销售运营管理经验,并有良好销售业绩,有生鲜、零售、快消及互联网to b销售经验者优先;2、具备较强的人际沟通能力,及逻辑思维能力;为人正直,诚实可靠;3、熟悉生鲜行业市场,有社区电商经验及资源者优先。 岗位亮点 零售业务公司核心战略,极速变化,快速成长。
招聘:(外卖模式固定片区业务经理) 紧缺1席哈 🚗公司:美团🥇 大众点评 ☜坐标:哈尔滨市-香坊区 ✈️岗位:美团到餐团购业务BD/市场开发 🥘业务:团购客户入驻,推广和运营 🍭要求:热爱互联网行业,热爱销售, 有责任心,性格开朗,有向上发展的动力,有挑战高薪的决心。 💰待遇:8-13k+ 🚀福利:13薪,六险一金+节假日休假 公平公正快速的晋升机会 ✈️未来发展:丰富品牌运营经验 大型互联网数字化运营人才 加入我们:收入与努力正相关,成长与发展晋升正相关🚂🛫